Data Protection Notice

Investors in the George Capital Real Estate Fund LP and George Capital Real Estate Fund 2 LP (“the Funds”) should note that they have provided certain personal information, which may constitute “personal data” within the meaning of the General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/679), the Data Protection (Jersey) Law 2018 and related implementing legislation (together, Data Protection Legislation) to George Capital LLP, George Capital Real Estate Fund GP Limited and George Capital Real Estate Fund 2 GP Limited (“the Management Entities”).

Investors’ personal data will be used by the Management Entities for the following purposes:

- to manage and administer an investor’s holding in the Funds in accordance with the contract between the investor and the Funds;

- to carry out statistical analysis;

- to comply with legal and regulatory obligations applicable to the investor and the Funds from time to time including applicable anti-money laundering and counter terrorist financing legislation;

In each case the personal data referred to above will only be used in connection with the Management Entities’ legitimate business interests and accordingly investors’ specific consent is not required.

Investors’ personal data may be disclosed by the Management Entities to its delegates, professional advisors, service providers, regulatory bodies, governmental bodies, auditors, technology providers and any duly authorised agents or related, associated or affiliated companies of the foregoing for the same or related purposes.

Investors’ personal data may be transferred to countries which may not have the same or equivalent data protection laws as that required under Data Protection Legislation. Any such transfer of personal data will be in compliance with Data Protection Legislation. For more information on the means of transfer of investors’ data or a copy of the relevant safeguards, please contact:

Pursuant to Data Protection Legislation, investors have the right to object to processing of personal data by the LLP and a number of other rights which may be exercised in respect of their personal data in certain circumstances, _i.e._:

- the right of access to personal data held by the Management Entities;

- the right to amend and rectify any inaccuracies in personal data held by the Management Entities;

- the right to request the erasure personal data held by the Management Entities;

- the right to data portability of personal data held by the Management Entities; and

- the right to request restriction of the processing of personal data held by the Management Entities.

These rights will be exercisable subject to limitations as provided for in Data Protection Legislation. Investors may make a request to the Management Entities to exercise these rights by contacting Please note that personal data may be retained by the Management Entities for the duration of an investor’s investment and afterwards in accordance with the LLP’s legal and regulatory obligations, including but not limited to the LLP’s record retention policy.

The Management Entities are data controllers within the meaning of Data Protection Legislation and undertakes to hold any personal information provided by investors in confidence and in accordance with Data Protection Legislation. For queries, requests or comments in respect of this notice or the way in which the Management Entities uses investors’ personal data, please contact Note that investors have the right to lodge a complaint with the Office of the Information Commissioner in Jersey, Brunel House, Old Street, St Helier, Jersey, JE2 3RG.